Jika Anda menemukan program-program video/film yang mengklaim bahwa program itu dapat meningkatkan kemampuan balita (8-16 bulan) Anda dalam berbahasa, jangan percaya! Berikut adalah kutipan dari sebuah penelitian, yang dimuat dalam Jurnal Pediatrik:
“This important study is the clearest indication yet of potential harm caused by the false and deceptive marketing of television programming and DVDs that target babies. Previous research suggests that television is not a good medium for teaching language to babies. Now we see that infants (ages 8-16 months) who watch baby videos have a slower rate of language acquisition than infants who do not. Not only is there no evidence that baby videos do any of the things the baby video industry claims they do, but these media may actually be undermining the development of the very skills they claim to foster.
“We hope that this study spurs the Federal Trade Commission to stop companies from falsely and deceptively marketing their media for babies as educational. The number one reason parents allow babies to watch television and DVDs is the mistaken belief that the programming is educational and/or good for brain development. Studies show that 40% of three-month-old babies are regularly placed in front of screens. By the age of two, 90% are watching for about an hour and a half a day.”
Dalam web ini disebutkan bahwa banyak sekali produk-produk yang SALAH dalam mengemas informasi mengenai video-video untuk balita. Web ini sebenarnya adalah pernyataan Pers Release tentang hasil penelitian, oleh Frederick J. Zimmerman, PhD, Dimitri A. Christakis, MD, MPH, and Andrew Metzoff, PhD (August 7, 2007). Associations between Media Viewing and Language Development in Children Under Two. Journal of Pediatrics.
Beberapa contoh yang dimaksud adalah:
- BabyFirstTV: Language Playground programming – “Encourages children to develop language through introduction to words, signs, and languages from around the world.” (Ages 6 months to 3 years).
- Baby Einstein: Baby’s Favorite Places/First Words/Around Town DVD – “The popular developmental series returns with an educational trip around town.” (Ages 1 and up).
- Brainy Baby: English – “Learning First Words.” (Ages 1 year and up.)
Semoga belum banyak produk-produk beginian disini. Tren-nya pendidikan alternatif bagi anak, bahkan bagi anak usia dini, mendorong orang tua untuk mencari sumber-sumber yang lain mengenai pendidikan, di luar sekolah. Meski banyak juga sekolah-sekolah yang mulai menggarap anak usia dini, tampaknya perlu dilihat dulu, jangan-jangan mereka menerapkan metode semacam ini.
Great stuff. I really like your writing style.