Hak atas informasi atau akses terhadap informasi
Right to information, freedom of information and access to information are often used to mean the same thing. Some experts argue that access to information is a more generalized and wider concept than the other two.
Right to information is essential for both democracy and development. Citizens have the right to free speech and the of information as the right to access information held by public bodies or by private bodies performing public functions or performing functions with public interest.
Public domain information is equally the property of citizens. Content providers such as libraries, archives, museums, media, digital communications companies should help to ensure the right to freedom of information for each citizen.
The role of content providers is changing with the rapid spread of digital technologies, intelligence. ICTs provide access to information and knowledge almost instantaneously. Content providers, including public authorities holding official records, are able to provide new service.
These offer new opportunities for effectively and efficiently meeting the needs of citizens for life-long learning, research and entertainment, and for connecting communities. In this context, access to data and algorithms organizing data into information is becoming an important issue.
Providers have several key functions, which include:
- Providing open access to information resources without any racial, gender, occupational and religious restrictions; public libraries, in particular provide access free of charge ;
- Protecting readers’ privacy and confidentiality in terms of content consulted on the premises or online;
- Providing access to diverse and plural information resources, based on professionalism and without political, religious or moral bias;
- Collecting and preserving information for future generations;
- Contributing to ensuring the authenticity, reliability and truthfulness of information;
- Responding to requests for information and data;
- Developing, implementing and ensuring people’s engagement with right to information or access to information policies.