M1.1 Melek Media dan Informasi (2h)?
Defining the similarities and differences between "informasion" and "media"; Exploring the importance of the content providers; Describing key learning outcomes of media and information literacy.
M1.2 MIL dan Partisipasi Sipil (2h)?
Melek media dan informasi, partisipasi sipil, dan hak aatas informasi.
M1.3 Interaksi dengan Produsen Konten (2h)?
Understanding how content providers including the media construct different types of stories, how they shape content in presenting it, and what techniques they use to organize material that otherwise would be chaotic and difficult to understand.
M1.4 MIL, Kecakapan Digital, dan Kebudayaan (2h)?
Understanding better the values and perceptions of a society, including knowing its historical references, heritage, and communal languages, and decoding interwoven threads of contexts behind and beyond the political and economic aspects.
M1.5 MIL, Pengajaran, dan Pembelajaran (4h)?
Some constructivist approaches that can be adapted by educators according to the different MIL learning objectives in the learning space and learning approaches that are summarized.
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